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The Magicians of Nairobi

The Magicians of Nairobi

[zilla_likes] In my twisted mind, I wish she falls. She walks in front of me in Nairobi CBD in the highest heeled shoes I have ever seen. They are sharp and make a clicking sound with every step she takes, this stilettos. She wears an expensive looking gray skirt suit that go well with the […]

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rocks and pebbles

Rocks and Pebbles

[zilla_likes] My English teacher in high school used to say that it’s the little things in life that fuck you up. That you will never run and fall because a vehicle or building tripped you, it will always be a small rock you ignored or didn’t see. We stumble on pebbles, he would say. It’s […]

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Party Animals

[zilla_likes] 10 pm People start trickling in. It’s mostly the people that organized this party. They come with cake and alcohol, lots of alcohol. The dim crimson lights in the living room accentuate the debauchery that’s about to go down. Music pours softly from the speakers. It’s a night full of promise. The early birds […]

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[zilla_likes] Dreams are bizarre. They’re like badly written stories with good execution. I think dreams are our minds’ way of showing us how haphazard thoughts are, how we think we have it all together but really we don’t. It is a way of showing us that there is a power beyond us that we cannot […]

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