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a love language

A Love Language

[zilla_likes] Some friends will tell you that they love you. Some friends, the stoic ones, will call you stupid to say they love you. They won’t say it maliciously, they’ll say it in jest. You’ll know all they mean is love. It’s like when you’re chatting up a girl and you make a joke and […]

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lemons and lemonade

Lemons and Lemonade

[zilla_likes] I’ve always had a ‘nice young man’ face. An innocent face. Those faces that make neighbors believe that I’m the most outstanding, law abiding youth in the estate. If you were to tell them that, say, Simon smokes M.J, they’d hold their mouths in horror and disbelief. Simon? ule mmoja?! They’d ask completely nonplussed. […]

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Hollwood Love Story

A Hollywood Love Story

[zilla_likes] I have new neighbour and I suspect they have a gorgeous daughter. My bedroom window and hers overlook each other. If this was a G-rated Hollywood blockbuster movie, this would be the beginning of an imperfectly perfect love story. Boy meets new pretty neighbour. She says she’s Tess, he says he’s Simon. Boy and […]

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only guilty people flee

Only The Guilty Flee

[zilla_likes] It’s dusty in here, there’s cobwebs in the corners and a thick layer of dust settled on everything. But don’t worry, I’m here to clean up today. * There are defining moments in any man’s life. Even Kenny Rodgers had a song for it. Something about having to fight to be a man. This […]

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