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Life Being Life

[zilla_likes] Two dozen years hasn’t felt like much. My whole life has been in school. And I haven’t really ‘lived’. And by that I mean, I haven’t had my chunk of high stakes responsibilities or enough experiences to warrant living. There’s too many unchecked boxes. Too many interests I want to pursue, that I believe […]

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life, purpose, hamster on wheels

The Mouse on the Wheel

[zilla_likes] I haven’t written a creative article in months. I was ashamed at first, couldn’t even look myself in the mirror. I was ashamed that me, who’d called myself a writer, hadn’t churned out something creative in over six months. I did try though. I wrote a few stuff that now sit deserted in the […]

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A dog and a city

[zilla_likes] I hope in the near future when life has been good to me, preferably before I’m 30 (God are you hearing this?), I will enjoy life the ideal way I’ve always imagined – me, a bit of money to splurge and a dog. I’d get this dog. He would be my partner in crime […]

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everything will be okay

Everything Will Be Okay

[zilla_likes] A glistening bottle of Gilbeys Gin sits at the center of the table. On one side of the table is Jamo, my colleague from work, on the other is me. Our glasses sit empty before us, we’ve just had a shot. I’m buzzed. We are at an army mess. Everything is half price here. […]

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